I am a 3rd year student at the University of Calgary majoring in Software Engineering. I was intrigued in app and web design and development since high school and I love to continuously improve my technical skills through team and personal projects. My soft skills include being a creative designer and thinker in developing ideas, being well-organized and detail-oriented, having proficient team management and communication abilities. I look forward to professional opportunities in Software Engineering where I can enhance my current skills, learn new ones, and work in a fun and dynamic engineering environment!
Building websites with responsive designs and intuitive interfaces through full-stack development. I use modern languages and frameworks to create robust back-end services and database systems, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly front-end experience.
Experience with Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, SpringBoot, Java Swing (GUI), HTML, BootStrap CSS and TailwindCSS, and WordPress
Ensuring data security and optimized performance of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations through database design and management. I use this to manage data reliably in our websites and user interfaces developed.
Experience with MySQL
I learned continuous integration and test-driven development using unit (black-box and white-box), integration (mutation and GUI), and system level testing. These are the foundation to building software reliability and quality code that mitigates faults.
Experience with automated testing frameworks such as JUnit, Selenium, and Mockito, and the testing tool Eclipse
I learned how to collect, interpret, and preprocess data to build simple machine learning models for classification and regression tasks using Linear, Descision tree, Support Vector, and Cluster methods.
Experience with Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn
I built independent libraries of foundational data structures such as arrays, stacks, heaps, queues, lists, hash tables, trees, and graphs that use efficient sorting and searching algorithms.
Experience with Python and C/C++
I learned the principles of software architecture design, such as microservices and layered architecture, to create scalable, robust, and secure software systems that meet functional and non-functional requirements.
Experience with building an MVC (Model-View-Controller) and Microservices software system
I leveraged cloud services to deploy scalable and secure applications and databases. This ensures high and fast availability and const-effective infrastructure solutions to challenges faced in local environment development.
Experience with Terraform, Lambda and DynamoDB services from AWS, and Google Cloud Platform
I maintain code quality and collaboration through efficient source control practices. Through modular code development, I can build new features and facilitate smooth and continuous integration with my team throughout development and deployment.
Experience with Visual Studio Code and GitHub.
This is a 4 year program with the option of an additional internship year. As a student, we are exposed to the theoretical foundation and gain specialized knowledge to develop, install, validate, and maintain software systems. With this degree, I envision future career paths in UI/UX design or Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to continually expand my learning and skillset. The relevant courses taken and planned to take can be viewed below.
I volunteer with this non-profit organization as the Media Chair of the National Board. The technical skills I have used were to develop and maintain their website, with future goals of implementing an e-commerce platform. Other impersonal skills, such as leadership and strong communication, are developed through directing media projects for my team. Our social media is constantly updated utilizing effective marketing strategies for various events and campaigns.